Kermit's Kitchen
Over the years the Kermit campers have learned to eat well, partly because of packing techniques, but also because many grocery store items are now available to make better and less expensive menus without resorting to the freeze dried foods. We specialize in items that are packaged in plastic or foil and that require no refrigeration. We also want to provide useful information and helpful suggestions for your eating pleasure, in the woods as well as in your home. You are strongly encouraged to visit our FOOD PLANNING page where you will find suggestions for planning, packing, and preserving your food.  The resources on this site should provide all the information you will need for planning and executing your next wilderness trip. Please feel free to contact us with questions or suggestions on how to improve this site.
Food selection involves consideration of cost, weight, space, simplicity of preparation, and preservation. The menu items suggested on this site may require some additional weight and space that is permitted for canoe tripping but would not be tolerable for backpacking. Additionally, some of our menu items are crushable and cannot be packed in backpacks as you may be accustomed to doing. We strongly encourage you to visit our page on Food Planning, Packing and Preservation. Use at least one plastic bucket, barrel, or bear proof container for packing the crushable items (like eggs). If you can't bring yourself to use the buckets you may want to consider an ash pack basket to line your backpack. But, keep in mind that the ash basket will not protect the food from getting wet. (We also allow for upsets. It is like wearing a seat belt in the car).
The wilderness foodstore dedicated to better eating
New Products
When our kids were growing up we used to can dill pickles with a dash of red pepper. They could trade them to other kids at lunch for just about anything. They called them, "Home Made Hots." We have recently discovered that the Vlasic pickle company offer several dill pickle choices containing Tobasco. Look for them on your grocer shelves. Since they are heavy and in glass containers we do not plan to offer them in the food store.

Foil Packaged Ham Chunks
Sweet Sue makes this product and we are trying to get it for the food store. However, availability of this product is  dependent on comsumer demand. Ask for it at your grocery store and maybe they will begin stocking it.
Our store contains a series of precooked meats and seafood items in foil packages that require no refridgeration until opened. We are constantly striving to find more of these products to broaden the menu selection. The chicken and tuna are great for making chicken salad or tuna salad for lunch, usaually the most difficult hard meal to plan.You can add these foods to noodles or other prepared packages for an easy to prepare and nourishing dinner. Kermit adds the shrimp along with sausage to Zataraines Jambulaya mix to make a restaraunt grade dish. Don't forget the Tobasco.
About Us
I have been leading wilderness trips for over 15 years. I learned a lot since the first trip. I still have lots to learn but want to pass some of what I have on to others. You will find that some of my food ideas are on the spicey side. In fact, the Kermit Spice Rack is one of our featured products. Be aware of the product descriptions if your stomach can't tolerate spicey foods.

I have no control over the conditions of your trip nor how you handle your food. What I offer has worked for me, but each person is responsible for making their own decisions and contolling their own destiny. In other words, life is full of hazards. Don't blame me if it doesn't work for you.
Wilderness Camping Foods On-Line